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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the student population like at Oberlin?

Hey! I've been considering Oberlin as one of my top choices. Can anyone give me an insight into the student population there? I'm curious about the size, diversity, and overall campus vibe. Thanks!

6 days ago

Oberlin College, located in Oberlin, Ohio, is a small liberal arts institution that prides itself on its strong sense of community and dedication to social justice. Due to its size, the student population is relatively small, with around 2,800 undergraduate students enrolled.

In terms of diversity, Oberlin is committed to creating an inclusive and diverse campus community. Approximately 45% of Oberlin's students identify as students of color, and about 10% are international students representing over 40 different countries. Additionally, Oberlin works to promote socioeconomic diversity through its need-based financial aid policies. As a result, you'll find students from various backgrounds, cultures, and experiences on campus, which fosters a rich and dynamic learning environment.

The overall campus vibe at Oberlin is known to be open-minded, progressive, and creative. Students are deeply involved in social activism, environmental causes, and community engagement. There's also a vibrant arts scene, with a prestigious music conservatory and numerous theater, dance, and visual arts opportunities. Academically, students are motivated and engaged in their studies, often collaborating with faculty on research and other projects.

To sum up, Oberlin's student population is small but diverse, and the campus vibe is characterized by a strong sense of community, social activism, and intellectual curiosity. If you're interested in being part of a close-knit, progressive, and creative community, Oberlin might be a great fit for you.

6 days ago

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