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How good is Ohio State's accounting program?

I'm considering majoring in accounting, and Ohio State University is on my list of schools to apply to. Can anyone who's attended or knows about their program share some info about its reputation and quality?

7 days ago

Ohio State University's Fisher College of Business is known for having a strong accounting program. The college consistently ranks among the top business schools in the country, and its undergraduate accounting program has earned a solid reputation for its curriculum and faculty.

Some factors contributing to Fisher's strong accounting program include:

1. Curriculum: The accounting program offers a comprehensive curriculum covering a wide range of topics, such as financial accounting, managerial accounting, auditing, and taxation. This ensures that students graduate with a well-rounded education in accounting, preparing them for various career paths in the field of accounting.

2. Faculty: Fisher has an experienced and dedicated faculty, many of whom have research expertise in their respective areas of accounting. This means that students are taught by professors who have a deep understanding of the subject matter, and they often have the opportunity to learn from real-world examples and case studies.

3. CPA Exam Preparation: Fisher's accounting program is designed with the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam in mind, helping to prepare students for this crucial professional qualification. Many students have found success in passing the CPA exam upon graduation, which can be attributed to the program's focus on exam preparation.

4. Networking and job placement: Ohio State University's large alumni network, coupled with Fisher's strong ties to businesses in the region, helps to facilitate job placement and networking opportunities for accounting majors. The school frequently hosts career fairs and events where students can connect with potential employers, which can be instrumental in securing internships and job placements after graduation.

5. Student organizations and resources: Fisher offers many resources for accounting students, including academic support, career services, and student organizations like Beta Alpha Psi (an accounting honors society). These resources can help you succeed academically, develop your professional network, and gain practical experience outside the classroom.

In summary, Ohio State University's Fisher College of Business offers an accounting program with a strong reputation and quality education. Students benefit from a comprehensive curriculum, dedicated faculty, CPA exam preparation, and numerous resources to support their success in the field of accounting.

7 days ago

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