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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Location Details for BYU

Hello! I've been looking into BYU lately but I'm not quite sure where exactly it's located. Can anyone familiar with the area provide some details about the location? Including both the geographic placement and the type of community, please!

5 months ago

Brigham Young University (BYU) is located in Provo, Utah, which is in the north-central part of the state. More specifically, it sits near the base of the picturesque Wasatch Mountain range and is approximately 45 minutes south of Salt Lake City—the state's capital and largest city—when traveling by car. Provo itself is the third-largest city in Utah and in recent years it's become a hub for entrepreneurship and tech startups, which led to it often being referred to as "Silicon Slopes."

Being situated where it is gives BYU students access to a lot of outdoor activities, including hiking, camping, and skiing. Given Utah's famous natural beauty, you'll be surrounded by stunning landscapes and breathtaking vistas.

As to the local community, Provo is a college town through and through, but with a unique twist due to its large LatterDay Saints (or Mormon) community, as BYU is a private university owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It's this religious affiliation that shapes much of the university's and town's culture. It's a tight-knit community with an emphasis on family values and moral standards. Consequently, the college has an honor code that dictates certain lifestyle standards for the students, including academic honesty and adherence to dress and grooming standards.

Despite being a deeply religious community, Provo is quite welcoming to people of all faiths. There's a sense that everyone is looking out for each other, which creates a caring and supportive environment.

Additionally, the university's strong commitment to sports (especially football and basketball) contributes significantly to the local culture—and spirit—of Provo. Many students, town residents, and even folks from other parts of Utah frequently come together to cheer on the Cougars, fostering a rich collegiate atmosphere.

In terms of amenities, Provo provides plenty of restaurants, shopping centers, parks, and cultural venues such as theaters and museums. It's a vibrant city in its own right but also provides easy access to the offerings of Salt Lake City for those looking for a more urban experience from time to time.

5 months ago

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