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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Creighton University?

I'm deeply interested in applying to Creighton University. Could anyone here let me know where it's located?

7 days ago

Creighton University is located in Omaha, Nebraska. It's based right in the heart of the city, which offers students both a vibrant campus life and the amenities of a large city. Being in Omaha gives students access to many professional opportunities for internships and jobs, not to mention plenty of activities and events to explore off-campus. From art galleries and museums to music festivals and sports events, Omaha has a lot to offer. It's known for a welcoming community and diverse culture. Do keep in mind that the climate in Nebraska sees distinct seasons, with hot summers and quite cold winters, which might be a consideration if you're not used to such temperature fluctuations.

7 days ago

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