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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Where is Illinois State University situated?

Hey guys! I'm seriously considering Illinois State University for college and I'm curious — where exactly is it located? What's the surrounding area like?

6 days ago

Illinois State University is located in Normal, Illinois. Normal is a mid-sized city in central Illinois that's marked by a high quality of life and a lot of opportunities for student engagement.

The town features a vibrant downtown area adjacent to campus, Uptown Normal, with a variety of restaurants, shops, and entertainment venues. Uptown is a popular gathering spot for both students and residents, including the annual Sweet Corn Festival dedicated to all things corn - a nod to the agricultural heritage of the surrounding area.

One of the aspects students often note about ISU's location is the large number of green spaces in and around Normal, which provide a nice counterpoint to urban life. The Constitution Trail, for example, is a beautiful nearby walking/cycling trail that spans over 45 miles.

Normal also offers the ease of travel with two major interstates close by and the Central Illinois Regional Airport practically a stone's throw away from campus. And if you ever need a taste of big city life, Chicago and St. Louis are both just a few hours away by car or train, making for a quick weekend getaway.

On the whole, the surroundings of ISU balance the amenities of modern urban life with a distinctly Midwestern charm. It's a place where you'll find welcoming people, rich local history, and a strong sense of community spirit.

6 days ago

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