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Colleges Beginning with 'B'?

Okay, this might sound weird guys but bear with me. I'm making my college shortlist and just for the fun of it, I'm thinking about adding more colleges that start with a 'B'. So, any colleges that start with a 'B' that you guys would recommend?

5 days ago

There are several fantastic colleges that begin with the letter 'B,' and it's great to note that you're intending to include some in your list.

1. Barnard College, New York: This is an outstanding liberal arts women's college affiliated with Columbia University. Here, students can benefit from a small, nurturing environment and also leverage resources from a larger Ivy league institution.

2. Bates College, Maine: Bates is known for its liberal arts programs and commitment to social justice. It also has a strong community feel, impressive alumni network, and is located in a unique town-gown city.

3. Bowdoin College, Maine: If you're considering liberal arts colleges, Bowdoin is another excellent option. Known for strong programs in government and legal studies, environmental science, and economics, it also boasts an engaged student body and beautiful campus.

4. Brown University, Rhode Island: Brown is part of the Ivy league and offers students a liberal curriculum where they have the flexibility to design their own course of study. Its undergraduate programs in engineering, applied mathematics, and PLME (Program in Liberal Medical Education) are renowned.

5. Bucknell University, Pennsylvania: This is another great liberal arts college known for its unique mix of programs. It offers a comprehensive undergraduate focus with the advantage of engineering and management programs.

6. Boston University, Massachusetts: BU is a big research institution in an urban setting. It has a broad range of programs but is well-known for its School of Communication, School of Education, College of Engineering, and Questrom School of Business.

7. Boston College, Massachusetts: Boston College is a Jesuit, Catholic university that is highly regarded for its liberal arts, business, and nursing programs.

8. Baylor University, Texas: A Christian university largely recognized for its research. It has strong undergraduate programs in business, health disciplines, and music.

9. Brandeis University, Massachusetts: This university is known for its intense academic rigor, diverse community, and commitment to social justice. It offers strong programs in economics, biology, psychology, and the humanities.

10. Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania: If you're considering a women's college, Bryn Mawr offers a close-knit community with a reputation for having strong programs in STEM, especially in biology and mathematics.

Remember to explore each college's academic strengths, culture, campus life, location, and financial aid opportunities to ensure they align with your interests and needs.

5 days ago

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