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Checking ACT Scores: How?

Hey all, I took the ACT recently and I'm not sure how to check my scores. Anyone know the process and could lend me a hand?

8 months ago

Hey there! Sure, checking your ACT scores is pretty straightforward. Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Go to the ACT website (

2. Click on the "Sign In" button, which is usually at the top-right corner of the page.

3. Enter your ACT account credentials – that's the username and password you created when you registered for the test.

4. Once you're in your account, look for a tab or section titled 'Your Test Dates and Scores'.

5. In this section, you'll see a list of test dates for which you've registered.

6. Find the date you took the test and click on it.

If your scores have been released, you'll see them displayed there. Remember, it takes about 10 days for ACT scores to be released starting from the test date, but it may take up to 8 weeks for scores from the writing section.

Should you have any trouble signing in, you could consider resetting your password or if you forgot your user id, there's an option to recover it as well. Just click on "forgot user ID or password".

I hope this helps!

8 months ago

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