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SAT Registration: Step-by-step Guide

Hey everyone, junior here. So, I'm planning on taking the SAT this year, but I've never registered for a standardized test before. Can someone explain the registration process? Like, where do I register, what information do I need, and by when should I register? Thanks in advance!

7 months ago

Absolutely, I’d be happy to help walk you through the SAT registration process! It's good to see you're thinking ahead about this.

Step 1: Create a College Board Account

You can register for the SAT through the College Board’s website. If you don’t already have an account, you'll need to create one. This account will not only allow you to register for the SAT, but also to view your scores when they’re ready.

Step 2: Choose a Test Date and Test Center

Once you've got your account set up, you can choose the test date and test center that works best for you. Test dates are typically on Saturdays and are scattered throughout the year. You'll want to consider when you'll have a decent chunk of time leading up to the test date to study. Also, remember to register early to make sure you get a spot at your preferred test center, as they can fill up quickly.

Step 3: Provide Student and High School Info

Expect to provide some basic info about yourself and your high school. This includes your name, sex, grade, high school, etc. Make sure to fill out everything accurately.

Step 4: Optional Questionnaire

The College Board will ask you to fill out an optional questionnaire. It's up to you whether you want to fill this out or skip it.

Step 5: Choose Services and Enter Payment

Next, you'll select the services you want (like if you want to receive the "Question-and-Answer Service" that gives more info on questions and answers on the test) and enter your payment information. The standard registration fee is $68.

Step 6: Upload a Photo

You'll need to upload a photo of yourself which is a requirement for test day identification. There are specific photo requirements listed on the College Board website, so be sure to follow those.

Step 7: Review and Confirm

Finally, review all the provided information to ensure its accuracy. Following that, confirm your registration.

As for when you should register, you'll want to make sure to register by the registration deadline for your chosen test date. These deadlines are usually about a month before the test, but it’s recommended to register as soon as you can to secure your spot.

I hope this helps, and best of luck preparing for your SAT!

7 months ago

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