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Engineering Colleges in Colorado?

Hi all, I'm considering studying Engineering and I kinda have a thing for Colorado. It's been a tad bit overwhelming finding colleges online. Can anybody suggest colleges that have good Engineering programs in the state of Colorado? Thanks!

7 months ago

Absolutely, there are several schools in Colorado with solid engineering programs!

The University of Colorado Boulder (CU Boulder) has an esteemed College of Engineering and Applied Science. It offers a range of engineering majors from Aerospace Engineering to Computer Science. They are particularly renowned for their work in aerospace and environmental engineering.

Colorado School of Mines in Golden is another school recognized for its strong focus on engineering and applied sciences. They specialize in disciplines associated with earth, energy, and the environment. Some of the degree options are Civil, Petroleum, and Environmental Engineering, among others.

Colorado State University (CSU), located in Fort Collins, also has an engineering program. CSU offers degrees in several areas of Engineering, like Chemical and Biological, Civil and Environmental and Mechanical Engineering among others.

Lastly, there's the U.S. Air Force Academy which offers an undergraduate program in Aeronautical Engineering and other engineering fields. Keep in mind that this is a service academy, which means you will serve in the military after graduation.

I hope that gives you a good starting place!

7 months ago

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