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Looking for Florida Colleges with Strong Lacrosse Programs

Hey y'all, I'm a junior doing my initial research into colleges. I'm a dedicated lacrosse player hoping to continue playing in college, and I'm particularly interested in schools in Florida. Can anyone recommend colleges in Florida that are known for their lacrosse teams or have supportive athletic programs? I'm leaning towards liberal arts for my major, but I'm pretty flexible. Thanks!

7 months ago

Absolutely, there are indeed several Florida colleges with commendable lacrosse programs where you can pursue your passion. Let's start with the University of Tampa. Tampa has an impressive Division II Men's and Women's lacrosse program, recognized by NCAA. In recent years, their team has continued to perform well in the Sunshine State Conference.

Another popular choice with a notable lacrosse program is Saint Leo University, located in the Tampa Bay area. Saint Leo also ranks in NCAA Division II and has had a respectable run in its conference.

Florida Southern College in Lakeland also fields an NCAA Division II Lacrosse team and has had success in their respective conference as well.

For Division I, you might want to explore Jacksonville University. They compete in the Atlantic Sun Conference and boast a formidable lacrosse program that has seen success on a higher level.

Though not as competitive as the aforementioned colleges, you might also want to consider Rollins College, located in Winter Park, if you're leaning toward a liberal arts degree. They've got a good Division II lacrosse program and are well-regarded for their humanities programs.

It's beneficial to remember that a college's support for its athletic programs extends beyond competitive success. You might want to look into the facilities provided by the colleges, strength of the coaching team, and the overall attitude of the school and its students towards sports. Good luck in your college search and lacrosse journey!

7 months ago

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