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Colleges with Softball teams in Texas?

Hey everyone, recently been looking into colleges and I really want to continue playing softball at the collegiate level. I live in Texas, so I wanted to stick close to home. Can anyone suggest some good colleges preferably in Texas that have competitive softball teams?

7 months ago

Certainly, Texas is known for its strong sports culture and has plenty of colleges with excellent softball programs.

A few Texas universities participate in the NCAA Division I—the highest level of intercollegiate athletics. This includes schools like the University of Texas at Austin, Texas A&M University, and Baylor University. These universities typically have well-funded and highly competitive softball programs.

Joining the above, Texas State University and the University of North Texas also have excellent teams at the NCAA Division I level.

On the other hand, if you want to play in a somewhat less competitive environment, consider looking at colleges that compete at NCAA Division II or Division III—these still provide an athlete-focused experience, but with a little more focus on academics. Some options include Angelo State University and St. Edward's University on the Division II level, and the University of Dallas in Division III.

Texas also has numerous colleges in the NAIA (National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics), another competitive collegiate athletic association. This list includes University of Houston-Victoria and Texas Wesleyan University.

All these colleges offer diverse academic programs in addition to their athletics, so make sure to consider what you might want to study and the culture of the school as well. It's also a good idea to contact coaches directly or fill out their online recruiting forms to indicate your interest in joining their teams. Best of luck with your search!

7 months ago

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