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Help! Need to find colleges starting with 'A'

Hey all, pursuing a code I've set for myself, I'm trying to find colleges beginning with an 'A'. Been googling for days, but it's always better with personal input. Anybody got any recommendations, ideally those with good humanities programs?

7 months ago

Sure, there are quite a few colleges that start with 'A' that are known for their strong programs in the humanities. Here are a few for you to consider:

- Amherst College: Amherst is a small liberal arts college in Massachusetts that is highly reputed for its humanities programs. The curriculum offers freedom to explore a wide range of academic areas.

- Agnes Scott College: Agnes Scott is a women’s college in Georgia that offers a diverse range of humanities courses, alongside an innovative general education curriculum, SUMMIT, which focuses on global learning and leadership development.

- Auburn University: Auburn in Alabama has a strong College of Liberal Arts with numerous humanities majors and a vibrant academic community.

- American University: This Washington D.C.-based institution has a strong program in the humanities, especially with its location advantage providing students with a wealth of resources and internship opportunities at nearby museums, cultural institutions, and government agencies.

- Arizona State University: ASU has one of the largest undergraduate populations in the nation and offers a variety of humanities programs across its many campuses.

Remember, there are many ways to pursue a humanities education and these programs can go by different names at different institutions. Always check course catalogs and degree requirements when considering if a program is a good fit for you.

7 months ago

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