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Insight on CSU Fresno's Computer Engineering Program?

Hello! I'm looking into the Computer Engineering program at CSU Fresno. Anyone here have experiences with it? How's the faculty and resources? How about job placements or internships? Just trying to get a handle on whether it's a good fit for me.

2 days ago

Response: You're making a wise choice by investing time to understand the Computer Engineering program at CSU Fresno. When it comes to the faculty and curriculum, CSU Fresno has a reputation for having knowledgeable and approachable professors in the Engineering Department. Many of them have research and industry experience they can bring to the table.

The Computer Engineering program specifically focuses on integrating both fields of electrical engineering and computer science. This means you'll have an understanding of both hardware and software elements which makes it a flexible degree, allowing you to switch between software and hardware roles in the future.

In terms of resources, the Lyles College of Engineering where the program is housed offers numerous labs and facilities for students to work on their projects and conduct research. Additionally, they have an Engineering & Construction Management Tutoring Center which can be a valuable resource when you need extra support.

As for job placements and internships, it's important to note that your personal initiative plays a critical role. That being said, the Career Development Center at CSU Fresno does an excellent job of providing resources and hosting job fairs. There are opportunities but you will also need to be proactive in seeking them out. Many students have secured internships at local companies, and some have even gotten full-time job offers post-graduation.

Overall, if you are looking for a program that offers a blend of both practical and theoretical knowledge in computer engineering, CSU Fresno's program could be a good fit. It would also be worth reaching out to the department directly to see if you can speak with current students or recent alumni about their experiences. They might have more niche insights that can help you make your decision.

2 days ago

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