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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How to Register for SAT?

In the midst of all the college application chaos, I forgot how to register for the SAT. Anyone remember the steps? Feeling a tad stressed about this!

8 months ago

Sure, don't worry! Here are the steps to register for the SAT:

1. You will need to first go to the College Board's official website and create an account if you haven't already. This is a one-time process and you'll need an active email address.

2. Once signed in, there will be an option to "Register for the SAT". Click on that link.

3. The system will then ask you to choose your test date and test center. Dates are usually on Saturdays and sessions are either in the morning or afternoon. Test centers are often high schools or colleges. Choose the one that's most convenient for you.

4. You'll then be prompted to upload a photo that meets the College Board's photo requirements. This photo will also be printed on your Admission Ticket.

5. The system will ask you to confirm your high school and grade level — simple demographic details.

6. Next, you'll have to fill in some additional information about your prospective college major and career goals. This information is optional but can help colleges provide you with appropriate information.

7. Finally, you'll be directed to the payment section. As of the 2024-2025 school year, the registration fee for the SAT is $68. It may be higher if you're registering late or changing your registration.

8. After you've paid, the system will generate an Admission Ticket, which you should print out. You'll need to bring this with you on test day.

Remember to prepare all the necessary materials before your test day such as photo ID, Admission Ticket, pencils, an eraser, and an approved calculator.

Good Luck!

8 months ago

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