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Best colleges in New York for Accounting?

Hey folks, super stressed about college hunt. I'm pretty set on majoring in Accounting and looking at colleges in New York. Any recommendations for good programs?

8 days ago

Hello! Don't worry, it's a process but there are plenty of great options in New York for studying Accounting. Here are a few to consider:

1. New York University (NYU): The Stern School of Business at NYU is well known for its accounting program. You'll get a rigorous course load, a lot of hands-on experience, and access to NYU's strong business network, which can be pivotal in securing internships and job opportunities.

2. University of Rochester: The Simon Business School at the University of Rochester also has a respected accounting program. The curriculum there is quite comprehensive, covering facets such as tax, audit, and financial accounting.

3. Binghamton University: At Binghamton's School of Management, you can pursue a Bachelor of Science in Accounting that is designed to provide you with a strong understanding of various business disciplines, including finance, marketing, and management.

4. Fordham University: Fordham's Gabelli School of Business offers a Bachelor of Science in Public Accounting. It has a strong curriculum and provides a lot of opportunities for networking and internships.

5. Baruch College: Baruch's Zicklin School of Business is reputed for its Accounting program. Baruch is a part of the City University of New York (CUNY) and is known for being more affordable compared to others on this list.

Remember, choosing a college should be based not only on the program ranking but also factors such as campus culture, location, financial aid, other academic strengths, etc. Also, consider that many of these programs are rigorous and competitive, so maintaining a high GPA and taking challenging courses can help in admission.

Good luck with your college search! It may seem overwhelming now, but keep researching and asking questions. You'll find the right fit for you.

8 days ago

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