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Which California colleges are Division III?

I'm a junior in high school in NorCal, and I've been trying to find colleges that balance sports and academics. I'm particularly interested in Division III colleges since they seem to have that balance. Can anyone suggest some DIII colleges in California?

5 days ago

Absolutely, Division III colleges indeed offer a great balance between sports and academics, allowing more time for other activities while still participating in athletics. In California, there are a few Division III schools affiliated with the NCAA that you might consider:

1. California Institute of Technology (CalTech) - Located in Pasadena, CalTech is renowned for its strong STEM programs. Even though it's Division III, it has a fairly wide range of sports teams for both men and women.

2. Claremont McKenna College - Part of the Claremont Colleges consortium, this liberal arts college is strong in economics, government, and international relations.

3. Harvey Mudd College - Also part of the Claremont Colleges, Harvey Mudd is known for its rigorous STEM programs and small size, which offers a close-knit community.

4. Pitzer College - Yet another member of the Claremont Colleges, Pitzer is a liberal arts college that emphasizes social justice, environmental sustainability, and intercultural understanding.

5. Pomona College - As the largest member of the Claremont Colleges, Pomona offers a broad liberal arts education. The college is known for its strong academics and open curriculum.

6. Scripps College - The last member of the Claremont Colleges I'll mention here. Scripps is a women's college known for its humanities programs.

7. Chapman University - Located in Orange, CA, this private university offers a wide variety of majors and has a strong film and television program.

8. University of La Verne - This university, based in La Verne, CA, emphasizes experiential learning and community service.

9. University of Redlands - Located in Redlands, this liberal arts university offers over 40 programs of study and has a School of Music.

10. Whittier College - A diverse liberal arts college located in Whittier, CA, this college comprises more than 30 majors and many other interdisciplinary programs.

11. Occidental College - Based in Los Angeles, Occidental might be worth considering if you’re interested in a strong liberal arts education in an urban setting.

Remember, while these schools are all Division III, the strength and breadth of their sports programs can vary, so it would be a good idea to check out their athletics pages to see if they offer your sport of interest and to learn more about the teams there.

5 days ago

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