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Emory Oxford Ranking

Hey, I'm looking at Emory University's Oxford College, but I'm a bit unsure about it. Can anyone tell me where it stands in college rankings? And is the experience there different from studying at Emory's main campus?

22 days ago

Emory University's Oxford College isn't separately ranked since it's technically a division of Emory University. Emory University is typically ranked within the top 25 nationally by U.S. News & World Report and other ranking bodies, so overall, the quality of education should be very high.

However, the experience studying at Oxford College does differ somewhat from Emory's main campus. Oxford College is more focused on the first two years of undergraduate studies and offers a smaller, more intimate environment, which some students prefer. It is located about 36 miles outside of Atlanta, offering a mix of a small-town and suburban setting.

Classes at Oxford tend to be smaller, which can lead to increased interaction and engagement between students and faculty. Opportunities for leadership and involvement also abound due to the smaller student body. After finishing the first two years at Oxford College, students transition to the main campus to complete their bachelor's degree, adding another facet to their college experience as they take advantage of the resources and opportunities available at Emory's main campus.

In summary, Oxford College offers the rigor and reputation of Emory University in a smaller, more personalized setting, which can be a great set up for certain students. However, you should reflect on the kind of college experience you hope to have and whether the learning environment at Oxford aligns with it. You might want to consider aspects like class size, faculty interaction, extra-curricular activities, etc. in determining whether Oxford College is the right fit for you.

22 days ago

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