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Details about Harvard's Finance Program?

Hello, I'm a high school junior and Harvard is my dream school. I'm particularly interested in their finance program. Can anyone share their experiences or any information that could help me understand it better? Thanks!

7 months ago

Harvard University doesn't offer an undergraduate major specifically in finance, like some other institutions might. However, it does have an Economics concentration which is well-regarded and very popular among the students. By studying Economics, students can gain a strong foundation in key financial concepts, economic theories, and statistical tools which could be useful for a career in finance. You can take electives in topics such as Financial Economics, Corporate Finance, and Portfolio Theory as part of the Economics concentration.

Furthermore, the university also provides the optional secondary field of Financial Applications in Statistics and Mathematics for students interested in quantitative finance. This secondary field is designed to help students gain a deep understanding of the financial industry's mathematical and statistical foundations.

Outside of the classroom, students have access to various finance-related extracurricular activities. These can include participation in the Harvard Financial Analysts Club or the Harvard College Economics Review. There are also numerous internships and research opportunities available, some of which can be specific to finance.

Lastly, it's crucial to remember that Harvard's reputation and expansive alumni network can open numerous opportunities in the finance sector upon graduation. So even without a dedicated finance major, Harvard's resources, reputation, and rigorous academics could still effectively prepare you for a career in finance.

7 months ago

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