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Choosing Between Finance Majors at Different Colleges

Hey guys, I'm currently a junior planning to major in finance. So, I've been considering Tulane, Notre Dame, and UConn. Anyone here who could highlight their finance programs? How are the internships, job opportunities, alumni networks, etc.? Anything particularly outstanding or lackluster about these programs? Appreciate any insights!

7 months ago

While I can't provide personal experiences studying finance at these schools, I can certainly provide some observations about their finance programs.

Let's start with the University of Notre Dame. Their finance program is part of the Mendoza College of Business, which is highly reputable. This program specifically offers unique opportunities like the Notre Dame Institute for Global Investing. Their strong focus on ethics is also a noteworthy feature. The university's location in Indiana doesn't restrict its students from getting internships or placements; they place students all over the country, and they have a strong alumni network that's known to be supportive.

Moving on to Tulane University, their Freeman School of Business also offers a solid finance program. They offer several finance concentrations, including energy finance and real estate, which could be a draw if you're interested in those subfields. Freeman's Burkenroad Reports program is a standout experience where students get hands-on equity research experience.

For UConn, their finance program is part of the School of Business. What stands out about UConn is that its proximity to NYC makes it great for internships and networking opportunities. However, UConn's alumni network might not be as strong or as nationally widespread as Notre Dame or Tulane's.

Remember, the specifics of each program will align differently with everyone's individual needs. I'd suggest reaching out to recent grads or current students in these programs, visiting campus if you're able, or attending college-run webinars to get a more personal feel for each program.

7 months ago

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