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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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FIT Graduation Rate - Cause for Concern?

Fashion Institute of Technology is on my radar. But I'm a bit concerned seeing their graduation rate stats. Is it something to worry about? I'd love some thoughts on this, especially from someone with direct experience. Thanks peeps!

7 months ago

I can understand why the graduation rate might be a bit unsettling at first glance. However, you should consider the unique aspects of schools like the Fashion Institute of Technology. It's primarily a vocational, arts-focused institute where students might choose to drop out because they've landed a job in their desired field before completing their degree. This can sometimes negatively impact the graduation rate.

Moreover, some students may transfer to other institutions that better suit their evolving career goals. These situations wouldn't necessarily imply that FIT isn't providing quality education, but they could impact the graduation rate.

Of course, it's also important to look at more than just this one statistic when analyzing a school. Consider the overall academic environment, job placement services, courses offered, and the community life, as these factors could also influence your college experience.

Remember to talk to graduates or current students if possible to gain a firsthand perspective on the learning environment and student life at FIT. This would provide more personalized information than numerical data.

7 months ago

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