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Soccer Opportunities in Florida Colleges

Hey y'all! I’m really into soccer, and I've been looking into colleges in Florida with strong soccer programs. Any recommendations on where I should apply if I want to continue playing in college?

7 months ago

The University of Florida (UF) is one of the top Florida colleges with a strong women's soccer program. They compete in NCAA Division I and have quite a history, with a national championship and numerous conference titles.

Florida State University (FSU) is another school with a strong soccer program, also in Division I. The FSU women's soccer team stands out particularly, having achieved multiple national titles in the past few years.

Both these schools offer solid competition and well-established programs. If you're at quite a high level and aspire to play soccer at the highest level in college, these schools could be a good fit for you.

On the men's side, you might consider looking into the University of Central Florida (UCF) and Florida International University (FIU). UCF competes in NCAA Division I and has made some impressive strides in recent years. FIU also competes at the Division I level and has consistently strong teams.

If you're looking for a smaller school environment, Rollins College could be an option too. They compete in Division II and have enjoyed success in both their men's and women's soccer programs.

Overall, Florida offers a range of opportunities for college soccer. It might be helpful to reach out to the coaches at these schools, express your interest, and possibly send them footage of your games. It's important to note that while the competitive level of a team could be a deciding factor, you should always consider the academic fit and social culture of the school as well. Best of luck!

7 months ago

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