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Florida Division 2 Football Schools

Hi all! I'm passionate about football and I'm currently exploring the D2 scene. Are there any standout Division 2 football schools in Florida that anyone could recommend to me?

7 months ago

Hello! In Florida, there are a few Division II schools with strong football programs, and while each program has its strengths and areas of focus, it's important to remember that "standout" can be fairly subjective and dependent on your individual needs and desires.

To start, the University of West Florida (UWF) is well worth looking at. The Argonauts have been quite impressive in recent years. Despite their relatively recent entry into college football (their first season was in 2016), they snagged the NCAA Division II championship trophy in 2019. Their strong program, coupled with a good balance between academics and athletics, could make UWF an attractive choice.

Nova Southeastern University (NSU) may be an option too. Although they don't currently have a football team, they do offer quite a few athletic programs that indicate a strong sports culture. Keep an eye on them as they continue to adjust and expand their athletic offerings.

In addition, several other Florida colleges compete in the NCAA Division II Sunshine State Conference, but they do not currently have football teams. These include schools such as Eckerd College, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Florida Southern College, and Rollins College.

It's important you identify your priorities when choosing a school - proximity to home, academic rigor, football program strength, training facilities, coaches, etc. Once you've decided on those, I would encourage you to reach out to the football coaches and athletic departments at the schools you're interested in. They can provide you with further information about their programs and the recruitment process.

Best of luck in your college search and future football career!

7 months ago

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