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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Florida Gators University Location

Hey folks, just a quick question about the Florida Gators - can anyone tell me where the university is located? I've heard it's got a great campus, so some details would be sweet!

7 months ago

The Florida Gators are based at the University of Florida, which is located in Gainesville, Florida. It's a small city situated in North Central Florida. The campus is sprawling and verdant, very much a quintessential college campus vibe with red-brick buildings, vast open green spaces (like Plaza of the Americas and Flavet Field), walking paths, and hanging Spanish moss. It's also surrounded by a number of natural beauty spots like Paynes Prairie and Devil’s Millhopper.

Gainesville itself is a hub for students, offering a variety of restaurants, shops, and cultural venues. The presence of the university fosters a vibrant, youthful vibe in the city, and students often find that there is plenty to explore in and around Gainesville. Gainesville Regional Airport serves the city and Jacksonville International Airport (about a 90-minute drive) provides more accessibility for out-of-state travelers. I hope you find this information helpful when considering the University of Florida!

7 months ago

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