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Actuarial Science at Florida State

Hello! I'm interested in pursuing actuarial science, and Florida State has caught my eye. Anybody have any info or feedback about their Actuarial Science track?

7 months ago


Florida State University (FSU) has a fantastic Actuarial Science program considered one of the best in the country. FSU's program is accredited by the Society of Actuaries and has the distinction of being a Center of Actuarial Excellence (CAE). The program is administered by the Department of Mathematics, and FSU's College of Arts and Sciences also offers supporting coursework.

FSU's actuarial science students typically have a strong background in mathematics, and the curriculum incorporates relevant business courses too. The classes will provide solid preparation for actuarial exams and will equip you with a good balance of mathematical and business skills-- a highly sought-after combination in the industry.

One thing to note is that FSU's actuarial program prepares students to sit for the first five of the actuarial exams: P/1, FM/2, IFM/3F, LTAM, and STAM. These exams are recognized by both the Society of Actuaries and the Casualty Actuarial Society—the two main professional organizations. You will have a great chance to prepare for these exams through the coursework, and many students pass at least the first two exams before graduating.

FSU's program also has an impressive job placement rate for actuarial science graduates. The program has strong ties with insurance and financial companies, which provide internship and job opportunities to FSU students.

This said, the rigour and comprehensive nature of the actuarial science program at FSU make it an excellent option for students aiming for an actuarial career.

Of course, it's always a good idea to reach out to current students or recent alumni for their personal experiences and perspectives. You might also want to contact the program directly for more detailed information about their curriculum, admission requirements, and any potential scholarship opportunities. Good luck on your college search journey!

7 months ago

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