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Curious about Florida State Computer Science ranking

Hey y'all! So I'm seriously considering applying to FSU for their CS program, but I'm having trouble finding consistent ranking info. How is the computer science program ranked at Florida State University? Can anyone offer insights or maybe qualitative experiences?

7 months ago

While exact ranking numbers can vary based on different methodologies used by various publications and websites, I assure you that Florida State University (FSU) has a reputable Computer Science program. Their program emphasizes the fundamentals, encouraging students to understand how software and hardware interact to accomplish a wide range of tasks.

In terms of faculty, FSU's Computer Science department is made up of a diverse group of professors who are conducting research in various areas of computer science, such as networks, graphics, AI, and more. This provides students with a broad range of learning opportunities.

On the technical side, the program gives students hands-on experience with state-of-the-art technology and the chance to complete exciting projects. This real-world practice developed in the labs will be directly applicable to careers in the tech industry.

Lastly, in terms of post-graduate placement, many FSU Computer Science graduates go on to work in prestigious tech companies, demonstrating the strong network and career services FSU provides to its students.

Remember that the best program for you will also depend on what you want in a campus experience, location, student life, and other factors that contribute to your college experience. Consider carefully what you want in a university, not just the academics, and then evaluate if FSU might be a good fit. I hope this helps!

7 months ago

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