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Looking for Reputable Criminology Schools

I've been binging on crime docs and it's got me intrigued about studying criminology. Can anyone provide insight on any colleges that are known for their criminology programs?

7 months ago

Certainly, I'm happy to give you some suggestions! A few universities are known for excellent programs in criminology or criminal justice, providing quality education with a broad range of concentrations available.

Leading the pack is the University of Maryland, which has a highly regarded Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Their offerings cover everything from policing to criminal behavior, and they also provide opportunities for internships in various criminal justice institutions.

Pennsylvania State University, more specifically its College of the Liberal Arts, also has an esteemed criminology program. They offer a comprehensive curriculum combining theory and practice, and students have the opportunity to present their own research at annual criminology conferences.

Florida State University is another notable option. Its College of Criminology and Criminal Justice offers robust course work, and they're committed to advancing criminology through impactful research.

Lastly, we have the University of Cincinnati. Their School of Criminal Justice boasts a highly interdisciplinary program that bridges the social sciences, legal studies, and humanities.

One thing to note when considering a criminology program is to look for opportunities for internships and research. This can be invaluable in providing real-world experience and understanding of the field. Also, take a look at the faculty – you want a program with professors who are not just knowledgeable, but active in the field, conducting research, and involved with relevant organizations.

Remember that apart from quality of program, it's important to consider other factors, like campus culture, student support, and financial aid, when choosing a school. Happy researching!

7 months ago

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