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Harvard University CS Rankings?

Hey everyone, I'm super keen on Computer Science and considering Harvard. Just wanted to understand better, where does Harvard's CS program rank in comparison to other universities? How good is it? If anybody has any first-hand experiences or knowledge they'd like to share, I'm all ears!

7 months ago

Harvard's Computer Science program is undoubtedly among the top programs in the world. Its prestige and reputation have long attracted faculty who are leaders in the field, and the university has a history of producing high-achieving graduates.

In terms of rankings, while they can vary slightly year by year and across different publishers, Harvard usually hovers around the top 14 to 17 in most rankings specifically for Computer Science. It's important to note that rankings can be helpful as a general gauge of a program's quality, but they shouldn't be the sole factor in your decision-making process.

If you're looking to engage in research, Harvard offers plenty of opportunities in various areas such as artificial intelligence, data systems, programming languages, and algorithmic game theory among others. Their research facilities and access to top-notch equipment are second to none.

In terms of coursework, students have complimented the comprehensive nature of the curriculum where it challenges students to think critically and approach problems creatively. Unlike some tech-focused schools, Harvard emphasizes a strong foundation in both the practical and theoretical aspects of Computer Science.

While being a part of such a prestigious program may sound intimidating, many students have mentioned the supportive, collaborative atmosphere among students in the CS department. These opportunities for collaboration can lead to holistic learning experiences and lifelong relationships.

Moreover, Harvard's strong emphasis on the liberal arts means you'll also have a really balanced education. This could allow you to pair your Computer Science concentration with studies in a completely different field, thus enhancing your versatility and breadth of knowledge.

Lastly, keep in mind that a degree from Harvard carries significant weight in the job market due to its global recognition. This can be a real advantage when searching for internships or job opportunities.

Remember, at the end of the day, a university choice should not solely be based on rankings. It's important to consider if the university's environment, teaching approach, and values align with your own.

7 months ago

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