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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Pitt University's Student Population?

Hey y'all! I'm considering adding Pitt to my list of potential colleges. To make sure it suits my preference, does anyone know how many students attend the University of Pittsburgh? I want a vibe where I can meet a lot of new people but don't feel lost in the crowd.

7 months ago

Indeed, the University of Pittsburgh, or Pitt as it's commonly known, is a fairly large public university that might offer the balance you're looking for. The undergraduate enrollment is approximately 18,000, while the graduate and professional schools bump the total student population up to roughly 28,500.

This makes Pitt a pretty good medium-sized university. You'll likely find plenty of opportunities to meet new people and explore different fields of study, but the school is not so large that you would feel overwhelmed or lost. To help you adjust, the university is comprised of small academic communities, each with its own advising, study, and social spaces.

However, I'd recommend taking this into account along with your other preferences, such as areas of study, campus culture, and location. Remember, visiting the campus (either in person or virtually) often gives you the best feel for the school's atmosphere and the daily life of its students.

7 months ago

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