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Interior Design Degree in North Carolina?

Hi all, I'm from the Tar Heel State and looking to study Interior Design in college. Before I get too deep into the college search, are there any schools in NC that have especially solid programs for this? Thanks in advance for your guidance!

7 months ago

Certainly, North Carolina does have solid programs for Interior Design. Notably, Appalachian State University's Interior Design program in Boone, NC, is one of the top in the region. Boasted as a transforming experience, the program has a curriculum that guides students to become creative problem-solvers. The university's focus on sustainable design practices also provides students a solid foundation in the ecological aspects of design.

In addition, the University of North Carolina Greensboro (UNCG) offers a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Architecture. This program is unique because it combines interior design with architecture, focusing on designing inside spaces of buildings.

Both of these programs are accredited by the Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA), indicating a high standard of education.

It's essential to also visit these colleges or view their online resources if virtual to get a feel for the campus, faculty, and program specifics like course offerings and learning objectives. The design discipline often relies heavily on practical assignments and studio work, so understanding the infrastructure and resources available to aid your design work is also crucial.

7 months ago

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