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SAT: 720 math
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How is Iowa State for Computer Science??

Welp, fellow CollegeViners, I'm currently weighing my options for pursuing Computer Science next year. I heard some buzz about Iowa State–how does it rank? Can anyone share their experience or knowledge? Thanks a bunch!

7 months ago

Iowa State University has a solid Computer Science department and it's regarded fairly well, especially within the Midwest. The program offers a good balance of theoretical and applied computing, which would provide you with a solid foundation in the field. Their facilities and faculty are believed to be quite good, and their program is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET, which is a sign of a quality CS program.

In terms of opportunities, you can expect strong connections with industry and robust research opportunities. Companies are keen on recruiting from Iowa State, so you'll have a good chance at scoring internships and job placements post-graduation.

As is common with most universities, your experience will heavily depend on what you make of it. So make sure to take advantage of all the school has to offer like joining clubs related to your major or participating in the many hackathons, coding competitions, and professional networking events they host.

Keep in mind that fit is also important in choosing a university. If you can, visit the campus, interact with students and faculty in the Computer Science department to see if it feels right for you. Always remember to also consider factors like location, size, cost, culture, and other personal preferences when deciding. I hope this helps in your decision-making process!

7 months ago

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