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GPA calculation for admissions at Texas State University

Hello, I'm planning to apply to Texas State University. I'm slightly confused about the GPA calculation and its implications. Can anybody enlighten me on how they calculate it?

7 months ago

Having looked into Texas State University's admission requirements, I can give you a brief guideline regarding their GPA calculations. To determine your GPA, Texas State utilizes a standardized methodology. They calculate your GPA based on your academic coursework completed in high school, specifically focusing on what they refer to as the "foundation curriculum."

This curriculum typically includes four units each of English, mathematics, and science; three units each of social studies and foreign language; one unit of fine arts; and half a unit of speech (or Demonstration of Proficiency).

They consider the numeric value of the grades in these courses to calculate your GPA, which means an 'A' is considered a '4' and a 'B' is considered a '3', and so forth. AP and honors courses carry a bit more weight, which means higher numeric values are assigned to the grades in these courses, though the specifics can vary.

In addition to your unweighted GPA, your test scores (SAT or ACT), class rank, and other academic achievements are also evaluated during the admissions process.

It's always a good idea to confirm directly with the admissions office or your guidance counselor for the most up-to-date information and to clear up any remaining confusion. Hope this helps you understand the method better! All the best with your application.

7 months ago

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