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Choosing Esthetician as Major?

I'm pretty set on studying to be an esthetician, but I'm not sure how to go about finding a program that really suits me. Can someone please share some resources or experiences with picking colleges for this type of major?

7 months ago

Choosing the right esthetician program can definitely shape your future career, so it's great that you are being thorough in your research. Here are some points to consider:

1. Accreditation: First and foremost, ensure the program is accredited by recognized bodies like the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts & Sciences (NACCAS) or the Commission on Accreditation (COA).

2. Curriculum: Look at the course content and make sure it covers all the areas you wish to study. Common courses in esthetician programs include skin analysis, facial treatments, hair removal, makeup application, and business skills.

3. Hands-On Experience: Practical skills are crucial in this field. Check if they offer ample hands-on training opportunities with modern equipment and techniques.

4. Exam Pass Rate: Research their graduates' success rate on the state licensure exam. High pass rates often indicate a strong program.

5. Job Placement: Find out about the college’s job placement services. Good programs often assist students in finding their first job.

6. Location and Schedule: If you have geographical restrictions or a part-time job, consider whether the location and class schedules are convenient for you.

7. Cost: Consider tuition fees, availability of financial aid, and other associated costs like kits, uniforms, etc.

While traditional colleges may not offer this program, you can find it in career and vocational schools, and beauty schools. Firsthand experience from students who have completed the programs can be really valuable, so browsing online forums and reviews can also give you further insights. Good luck!

7 months ago

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