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How is the Exercise Science program at UConn?

I'm very interested in pursuing exercise science major and one of the schools I'm thinking about is UConn. Does anyone know about the program, the faculty, the experiences, etc?

7 months ago

The University of Connecticut (UConn) has a strong Kinesiology program, which is the broader field that encompasses Exercise Science. The faculty at UConn are knowledgeable and passionate about their work, often involved in cutting-edge research in the field.

The Kinesiology program has a rigorous curriculum designed to give you a solid foundation in human movement and the science behind it. Some courses you might take include Biomechanics, Exercise Physiology, and Motor Control, among others. If you're interested in research, there are also several research opportunities available in various areas of Kinesiology.

One feature that students often appreciate is the size of the program. It's smaller than some other majors at UConn, which can allow for greater interaction with faculty and personalized attention. Also, the department organizes myriad activities and events, including guest lectures and wellness projects, which could enrich your academic experience.

As for experiences, many students opt for internships or practicums in their final year. These hands-on experiences allow you to apply your knowledge in a real-world setting, which can be immensely valuable, whether you're planning on going into the workforce or onto further education.

On top of all this, UConn also has excellent facilities for Kinesiology students, including labs equipped with modern technology for research and learning.

Overall, the Kinesiology program at UConn has a lot to offer for someone interested in Exercise Science. However, I'd recommend reaching out to the department or admissions office to get more specific information or to set up a time to visit, if you haven't already. This way, you can get a feel for the campus and the program on your own, as well as ask any specific questions you might have.

7 months ago

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