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Recommendations for Fashion and Design Schools in California?

Fashion designing is my dream and I want to pursue it in California. Can anyone recommend schools there that have good programs for this field?

7 months ago

Sure, there are several great schools in California known for strong fashion design programs.

Firstly, the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising (FIDM) is one to consider. Based in Los Angeles, it offers a wide variety of fashion-focused programs, making it a top choice for students like you. Some of their popular programs include Fashion Design, Fashion Marketing, and Merchandising.

Another is the Otis College of Art and Design, also in LA. They have a well-regarded Fashion Design program and their students have opportunities to work on projects with major brands. Graduates from Otis have gone on to work for companies such as Guess, Calvin Klein, and Nike.

California College of the Arts (CCA) in San Francisco is another excellent option. It boasts an innovative Fashion Design program that incorporates sustainability and has strong interdisciplinary ties with other departments at the school.

Finally, the Academy of Art University, also in San Francisco, offers a multitude of fashion programs and their students regularly showcase their collections at New York Fashion Week.

Of course, each program will have its own unique strengths and specializations, so I recommend thoroughly researching each one to see which aligns best with your personal interests and career goals.

7 months ago

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