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Looking for Michigan Schools with Fashion Design Programs

Hi everyone! I'm really interested in fashion design and I'm looking to stay in Michigan for school. Any recommendations for Michigan colleges with great these programs?

7 months ago

Absolutely, Michigan indeed hosts some reputed colleges that offer great fashion design programs.

1. Central Michigan University: Central Michigan University offers a Bachelor of Applied Arts in Fashion Merchandising and Design. The program combines theoretical classes with practical experience and internships. It also incorporates business principles into their curriculum, preparing students for the corporate side of fashion as well.

2. Eastern Michigan University: Eastern Michigan University's Apparel, Textiles, and Merchandising program offers a comprehensive insight into fashion design. This program also offers a minor in Fashion Marketing, beneficial if you're interested in exploring more commercial aspects of fashion.

3. Wayne State University: Wayne State has the Fashion Design and Merchandising program under their College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts. Aside from regular courses, they also frequently conduct workshops, exhibitions, and fashion shows.

4. Michigan State University: MSU offers a Bachelor of Arts degree in Apparel and Textile Design. It amalgamates the mechanics of design with the practical aspects of production, apart from the innovation and creativity that fashion design entails.

In these programs, you should expect a mix of design studio work, textile-focused coursework, marketing and merchandising education, and plenty of hands-on experiences. Just remember, it's not solely about the program - consider the overall fit of the school as well! Good luck with your college search!

7 months ago

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