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George Washington University's Computer Science Program - Ranked High?

Hi, I'm heavily considering GWU's computer science program. I know they have a strong reputation, but where do they stand in terms of ranking in this specific major? And how important should I consider ranking when deciding on this program? Thanks.

7 months ago

As for your question about George Washington University's (GWU) Computer Science (CS) program, the university undoubtedly offers a robust and comprehensive program. They have a vast range of specializations and research opportunities available, which is a vital component of a strong program. However, if you're looking at rankings, it's important to understand that they fluctuate and there are multiple platforms where rankings are reported. Rankings can provide insights into a program's reputation and its perceived quality in the industry, but should not be the sole deciding factor.

While it is reassuring to attend a program with a revered reputation and high rankings, consider aspects beyond the ranking. Evaluate the curriculum, the faculty's background, available research opportunities, internship prospects in the area, and the career paths of alumni. A higher-ranked program is not always better if it does not fit your learning style, career goals, or area of interest.

For instance, if you're interested in cyber security, GWU's strategic location in D.C. brings a wealth of opportunities for internships or employment in government agencies or defense contractors, where cyber security is a focus.

Lastly, I would also recommend you consider the university culture and student life. A lot of learning in college happens outside of classrooms, and being in an environment where you will thrive personally and socially is equally essential.

In regards to whether rankings should be an important factor in your decision, it partially depends on your post-graduate plans. If you're considering graduate school, going to a highly ranked undergraduate school may lend some advantage. But if you're planning to go straight into industry, your skills, experience (like internships), and how you can apply what you've learned will matter more than rankings.

In summary, rankings can provide a perspective but, they should be one factor among many while making this decision. Consider your goals, interests, and where you believe you will thrive, both acadically and personally.

7 months ago

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