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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Any Tricks to Avoid George Washington University's Application Fee?

Hey there, I want to apply to George Washington University, but the application fee can be a bit steep for my budget. Is there possibly any way to get the fee waived or offset? Any suggestions? Thanks!

7 months ago

Sure, there are several ways you might be able to avoid college application fees:

1. Fee Waiver through Common App: If you're applying via the Common App platform, there's an option for a fee waiver. You'd need to meet certain criteria to qualify, like being eligible for the Federal Free or Reduced Price Lunch program, being enrolled in a program that aids students from low-income families, having a family income that falls within the Income Eligibility Guidelines, or being eligible for the ACT/SAT testing fee waiver.

2. Contact the Admissions Office: Sometimes, directly reaching out to the admissions office can also provide you with a fee waiver. Schools may have their own specific criteria for granting these, so it's worth contacting the Admissions Office at George Washington University to inquire.

3. Counselor Recommendation: School counselors often have information on how to get fee waivers. If you're facing financial hardship, they may be able to recommend you for a college application fee waiver.

4. Attend Virtual Events: Given the virtual nature of many events these days, some colleges offer fee waivers for students who attend. This won't always be advertised, so check in with the admissions office or the event host to see if this is an option.

Remember, applying to college can be expensive. Requesting a fee waiver where possible can help offset some of those costs. Good luck with your application to George Washington University!

7 months ago

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