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George Washington University's Criminal Justice Program?

Hey gang, I've been looking into George Washington University and their Criminal Justice program. Has anyone here attended or know someone in the program? I'm curious about class sizes, faculty, internships and just general student experiences. Any insights would be great, thanks!

7 months ago

Sure, happy to share some information based on what I've heard and read about the Criminal Justice program at George Washington University (GWU). While I haven't personally attended the program, I can provide some general insights.

First, on class sizes, GWU generally has a student-to-faculty ratio of 13:1, which means classes are relatively small and allow for personalized interaction with faculty. In highly specialized programs like Criminal Justice, the class sizes can be even smaller.

Regarding faculty, GWU's professors are known to be experts in their fields. Many of them continue to be active in their professions and that can bring a unique, hands-on perspective into the classroom, blending theory with real-world application. Additionally, being in Washington D.C. provides students with access to a network of professionals including policy-makers, law enforcement officials, and attorneys.

As for internships, GWU's location in the heart of D.C. allows students to have access to a wide range of internships and job opportunities in government and law enforcement agencies, think tanks, non-profit organizations, and consulting firms. The career services office at GWU is also known to be particularly helpful in assisting students with securing these internships.

In terms of student experiences, I've heard that the curriculum is rigorous yet rewarding, with an emphasis on understanding the societal, political, and economic factors that play into justice system policies and practices. The surrounding D.C. community also enriches the program by providing students opportunities to witness and participate in important policy discussions and public events related to criminal justice.

However, do keep in mind that experiences can vary greatly between different students, so it would be best to reach out to GWU alumni or current students directly to hear more personalized accounts. You might want to check out LinkedIn or the university's website for events where you can connect with GWU's community. They will have insights that best align with your specific concerns and interests about the program.

7 months ago

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