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Georgia D3 Colleges - Looking for Opinions

Hello everyone, currently on a quest to find a good D3 college in Georgia. Are there any that you can suggest or any you'd tell me to avoid? Looking for all insights and experiences here. Thanks in advance!

7 months ago

Definitely! Georgia boasts several reputable Division III colleges that you might want to consider.

To start with, Emory University in Atlanta is an excellent choice if you're seeking a blend of rigorous academia and competitive athletics. Emory boasts strong programs in fields like Business, Nursing, and Biology. Its student-athletes consistently perform well both in competitions and in class.

Another good option would be Berry College in Mount Berry. It's known for its breathtaking campus and its strong programs in Animal Science and Business. Its athletics teams, the Berry Vikings, compete in the Southern Athletic Association.

Oglethorpe University in Brookhaven is another worth considering, particularly for aspiring Business, Communications, and Psychology majors. Their Stormy Petrels athletic teams are a prominent part of student life.

Lastly, there's Agnes Scott College in Decatur. As a women's college with a strong liberal arts program, Agnes Scott places a strong emphasis on leadership and global learning. Their athletics program, dubbed the 'Scotties', fields teams for sports such as basketball, soccer, and softball.

Keep in mind, your decision should depend largely on which school aligns best with your academic goals and extracurricular interests, not just their athletic division.

Try to research more about these colleges, potentially even visiting their campuses or connecting with current students or alumni to get a first-hand point of view. This will give you a more in-depth understanding of what each school can offer both athletically and academically, which can help you make a more informed decision.

Remember, each college has its own strengths and weaknesses. It's crucial to focus on finding a college that is a good fit for you, in terms of its academic offerings, campus culture, and the support it offers to student-athletes. Best of luck!

7 months ago

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