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Scouting for Stellar Chemistry Programs

Hey guys, I've found myself pretty entranced by the whole world of atoms, molecules, reaction rates, etc. (Yeah, I'm a chem nerd!). Majoring in chemistry just seems like the ideal route for me. Can anyone suggest colleges with stellar chemistry programs? Extra props for programs known for undergraduate research opportunities!

7 months ago

Absolutely, there are a bunch of universities that have strong chemistry programs as well as undergraduate research opportunities.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) definitely comes to mind. It's well known for excellent STEM programs, and the chemistry department is no exception. Many students get involved in research projects during their sophomore year, and there are very prestigious research programs available such as UROP (Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program).

In addition to MIT, Stanford University has a fantastic chemistry program. Undergraduates have the opportunity to conduct research through the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education (VPUE), which offers research grants and fellowships. They also operate on a quarter system which tends to encompass a wide range of subjects in a short amount of time, which could be advantageous for an eager learner like you.

On the East Coast, Harvard University definitely deserves has a shining reputation. They've got a strong chemistry program, and lots of ways to get involved in research, too. They offer PRISE (Program for Research in Science and Engineering) for the summer which is a ten-week residential program for students engaged in scientific research.

And we can't forget University of California, Berkeley. They have a highly regarded chemistry program known for it's cutting-edge research. Their SPUR (Sponsored Projects for Undergraduate Research) program offers students the opportunity to conduct summer research with a faculty member.

These are all highly selective institutions, however, so it could be beneficial to look at colleges that are less selective but still have solid chemistry programs, like University of Wisconsin, Madison or University of Texas at Austin.

Remember, wherever you apply, be sure to pay attention to whether or not the program has professors you'd be interested in working with. Reading up on faculty research can give you a sense of where you might want to apply.

Hopefully you'll find this information helpful and stimulating as you scout for the perfect chemistry program. Happy college hunting!

7 months ago

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