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Scoping out Schools for Sports Management

Sports lover here, and I've been considering turning my obsession into a career via sports management. Where can I find colleges with leading sports management programs? I don't just want to study sports, but also want to understand the business side of things.

7 months ago

There are a number of colleges with excellent Sports Management programs that not only cover the sports arena but also delve into the business side of things.

First is the University of Michigan. Their sports management program is based in the School of Kinesiology but has a strong business emphasis. In fact, you can opt to pursue a Bachelor in Science in Kinesiology with a major in Sports Management.

At the University of Texas at Austin, you can explore the Bachelor of Science in Sport Management. This program allows students to integrate the main disciplinary areas of management, marketing, finance and law with the study of the sports industry.

The University of Florida offers a Sport Management program where students are encouraged to take internships in sports organizations while pursuing their degree. This provides hands-on experience and good networking opportunities.

Over at UMass Amherst, the Mark H. McCormack Department of Sport Management is recognized as a top program worldwide. It offers a Bachelor's degree in Sport Management within the Isenberg School of Management, giving students a firm business foundation.

These are just a few examples. Remember to consider aspects of each program and how they fit with your career goals. Be sure to explore financial aid opportunities and the availability of internships in each program too.

7 months ago

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