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Insight on Ohio Psychology College Programs?

I'm a homestate Ohio kid through and through, and psychology is my calling. Can anyone recommend colleges in Ohio that have reputable psychology programs? Points for programs that give undergrads the chance to get involved in research!

7 months ago

Absolutely, Ohio is home to numerous colleges with strong programs in psychology. Here are a few you might want to consider:

1. Ohio State University (OSU): OSU has an excellent psychology major. Not only do they have a wide variety of courses within the discipline such as developmental, clinical, cognitive, and social psychology, students have numerous opportunities to engage in research. Check out their Psychology Major Undergraduate Research Program (PURP) which gives students invaluable experience and the chance to work closely with faculty members.

2. Case Western Reserve University: Known for its emphasis on research, Case Western offers rigorous training in all areas of psychology. Undergraduates have many opportunities to participate in vast research projects in fields such as health psychology or social and cognitive developmental psychology.

3. Oberlin College: As a liberal arts college, Oberlin provides a close-knit community with small class sizes. The psychology department promotes hands-on learning, and students even have the chance to design and carry out their own research project, culminating in a senior thesis.

4. University of Akron: This university is particularly well-known for its graduate programs in psychology, especially the Counseling Psychology program. As an undergraduate, you could potentially get involved in research happening at the university's Center for the History of Psychology, which houses an impressive collection of historical artifacts from the field of psychology.

Make sure to visit each college's respective website and learn more about the specifics of their program to see which aligns best with your interests and aspirations. Happy college hunting!

7 months ago

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