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Division 2 Football Schools Worth Considering?

Hey all, title mode activated. I'm interested in both playing football at college and having sturdy academics too and seem to be leaning towards Division 2. Anybody know of any good Division 2 football schools? What should I be looking out for during my research? Any help is appreciated, thanks!

7 months ago

Hello! Your plan to balance academics with athletics is commendable, and Division 2 schools are a great path to explore for this combination. Many D2 programs offer a good mix of competitive athletics and academic rigor.

As you begin your research, you're going to want to look at a few key things. First, don’t overlook the academic profile of the institution. Make sure the school offers a major in the field you're interested in, and explore their academic reputation and graduation rates where possible.

Next, consider the success and reputation of the football program. Check for recent records, coaching staff, facilities, and how many athletes they typically carry on their roster each season. Reach out to the coaches if you feel comfortable to get a sense of their recruitment process.

Lastly, check out the feel of the campus; would you be happy there if you could no longer play football? Considering factors like location, student body size, and community can tell you a lot about what your everyday life will be like.

Now talking about some schools, you might want to consider are Grand Valley State University (Michigan), University of West Florida, and Minnesota State University - Mankato. Each of these schools has a strong academic reputation and successful football programs in Division II. But remember, it's all about finding the right fit for you!

7 months ago

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