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D3 Football + Strong Academics: Any Recommendations?

Hey folks, I'm on the hunt for colleges that offer D3 football because I want to balance my academic and athletic pursuits. Any recommendations for colleges that offer a rigorous academic environment and still have a decent D3 football program? Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

7 months ago

There are a few schools that come to mind that would be a good fit for a student-athlete interested in D3 football and strong academics.

The first is The University of Chicago. UChicago is a D3 school with one of the top economics programs in the world, and a solid football team that's had several winning seasons in recent years. It's also a high-intensity academic institution with rigorous coursework, so it would likely satisfy your desire for academic rigor.

Williams College is another good choice. It's a NESCAC school meaning it has strong athletic and academic programs across the board, so you could continue your football career while taking advantage of their rigorous liberal arts program. Besides, Williams is a small college which allows for a more intimate academic and athletic experience, including smaller class sizes and a tight-knit team.

Johns Hopkins University, another D3 school, is also a highly-rated academic institution known especially for its engineering and public health programs. Their football team has been successful in recent years, including multiple appearances in the NCAA Division III playoffs.

Also consider the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Despite being known globally for STEM fields, it has a strong D3 football team and could give you the academic rigor you're looking for.

Remember, as you're considering these schools, it's a good idea to reach out to the respective coaches and engage with them, expressing your interest in their program. This shows your initiative and could potentially increase visibility to your application. But most importantly, visit the campuses if you can, speak to current members of the team, and see if the school's culture is a good fit for you. Good luck!

7 months ago

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