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Field Hockey Colleges: Where to Aim?

Yo everyone, I'm currently looking for colleges with good field hockey programs. Does anyone have some pointers for colleges with well-ranked teams? Also, are there any things I should be looking out for, recruitment-wise? I'd be grateful for any insight!

7 months ago

Sure, happy to help you with this! For a strong field hockey program, consider some of the top-ranking NCAA Division I schools including UNC Chapel Hill, University of Connecticut, and Princeton University. These schools have historically been field hockey powerhouses with strong records.

In regard to recruitment, being proactive and reaching out to college coaches can make a big difference. Send an interest email along with a resume of your high school career stats, any applicable club team experience, and possibly some game footage if you have it. Don't be shy about follow-ups; coaches are busy individuals.

Also important is your academic profile. Ensure you remain eligible by keeping your grades up and staying on top of core course requirements. In some instances, exceptional academic achievement could even lead to a combination of athletic and academic scholarships.

Lastly, navigating the recruitment timeline is crucial. Coaches can start to reach out after June 15th after your sophomore year. Responding quickly and showing your enthusiasm can be beneficial.

Bear in mind all the while that the athletic side is only half the equation. You should also ensure that the school is a good academic and cultural fit for you. Good luck with your search and subsequent tests in the field!

7 months ago

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