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Florida Film Schools: Suggestions?

Hey friends, I'm really passionate about studying film and I've been considering colleges located in Florida. Can anyone suggest any good film schools there? Or what criteria should I use to evaluate these programs? Cheers in advance for your help!

7 months ago

Hello! Florida has a number of wonderful institutions where you can study film. A few notable and well-reputed ones are Florida State University's College of Motion Picture Arts, University of Central Florida's Nicholson School of Communication and Media, and the Ringling College of Art and Design's School of Motion Design.

When evaluating a film program, there are several factors to consider.

- Curriculum: This is one of the most immediate elements you should take a look at. Does the program cover the areas of film you're interested in? Some programs might emphasize the theoretical part more, while others might focus more on the practical aspect.

- Faculty: Look into the faculty members, their credentials, the type of work they've been involved with, and whether they've been a part of the industry. If you can find professors who have a background in the specific area of the film you're interested in, that could be extremely beneficial.

- Resources: This could include everything from the campus film studios, to editing labs, and equipment availability. Access to high-grade resources is key in honing your craft.

- Internships and Job Placement: Does the school have connections with local film festivals, television stations, or film production companies where you could potentially intern?

- Alumni Success: Have students from these film programs gone on to have successful careers within the industry?

Once you're able to evaluate programs based on these criteria, it would give you a more weighted decision about which schools to aim for. Best of luck in your film school search!

7 months ago

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