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Recommendations for Film Schools in Georgia?

What's up guys? I'm interested in becoming a filmmaker and am looking at colleges in Georgia. Any recommendations or things I should look out for during my search? Much appreciated!

7 months ago

Hello! If you're passionate about filmmaking, Georgia indeed offers great options.

One renowned school in Georgia is SCAD, the Savannah College of Art and Design. Known for its film and television program, SCAD offers Bachelor of Fine Arts and Master of Fine Arts options. Their students often have opportunities to participate in the Savannah Film Festival, providing some practical experience and networking opportunities with industry professionals.

Another university to consider is the University of Georgia (UGA). UGA's Grady College offers a major in Entertainment and Media Studies where you can learn about digital storytelling, including filmmaking.

Georgia State University (GSU) also has a robust film program. Their undergraduate program provides a well-rounded education in all aspects of filmmaking along with liberal studies. GSU also offers an MFA in Film, Video, and Digital Imaging.

One more university to consider is Emory, where the Film and Media Management Concentration within their business school offers theory, production, and business classes tied to the media realm and could be another angle to enrich your interest in filmmaking.

While exploring different schools, it's a fabulous idea to consider factors such as class sizes, faculty, internship opportunities, and your personal preferences for campus size and location. Also, try to get in touch with current students or alumni from the film programs to understand the hands-on work opportunities that these programs can offer. This will give you a better understanding of what you can expect from your education experience.

Remember to also inquire about the technological resources and facilities available for film students, as hands-on experience with industry-standard equipment is crucial. Hope this helps and best of luck on your journey into filmmaking!

7 months ago

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