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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Recommendations for Schools with Great Elementary Education Programs

Hello everyone! Junior here, and seriously contemplating a career path in elementary education. I really want to attend a school that's known for its program in this field. Have any recommendations for good schools with strong elementary education departments?

7 months ago

One of the schools that's highly acclaimed for its elementary education program is Vanderbilt University's Peabody College. Known for its strong focus on research-based teaching methods, it also provides plenty of opportunities for hands-on practicum experience in local Nashville classrooms.

Michigan State University is another widely respected option. They have a comprehensive program that not only equips students with teaching fundamentals but also provides a great range of specializations like literacy education, math, and science education.

The University of Georgia's education commencement school is another exceptional choice, concentrating on a curriculum that connects research, practice, and policy.

Lastly, Johns Hopkins University has its own School of Education, which offers a range of specialties in the field of elementary ed, allowing students to choose a concentration, such as gifted education or special education.

Wherever you end up applying, I'd recommend checking out the curriculum, the faculty, and the opportunities for hands-on student teaching in the local community. This will allow you to get a taste of what the program has to offer and if it aligns with your career goals. Best of luck in your future educational endeavors!

7 months ago

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