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Where should I apply if I want to study psychology in Illinois?

What's poppin' everyone! I live in Illinois and want to stay local for college while studying psych. Do any of you know some good psychology programs in Illinois? Every tip helps, thanks!

7 months ago

Hello there! Several institutions in Illinois offer excellent psychology programs.

Undeniably, the University of Chicago (UChicago) has one of the top ranked psychology departments in the nation, renowned for their strong emphasis on research and academia.

Northwestern University also has a robust psychology program, offering unique opportunities for undergraduates to get involved in research.

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign also has a strong psychology department, with various areas of specialization like cognitive neuroscience, behaviors, and clinical psychology.

Another great option would be Loyola University Chicago; their psychology program is highly ranked and offers undergraduates opportunities to engage in research.

Of course, the best choice for you would also depend on your own personal preferences and academic goals. Be sure to consider factors such as the courses offered within the psychology major, opportunities for research or internships, class size, and the school culture. Best of luck in your college search!

7 months ago

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