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Details on Northeastern University's graduation rate?

Hi folks! I'm a junior and I've been looking into Northeastern quite seriously. But, can anyone help me out with data on their graduation rate? I want to make sure that I'll be getting a worthwhile experience if I do choose to go there.

5 months ago

Sure, happy to help out with that! As per the U.S. Department of Education, Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts, boasts some strong graduation statistics:

- The 6-year graduation rate for students entering as full-time freshmen is roughly 89%. This is a fairly strong rate and indicates that a large majority of students complete their undergraduate degree within six years of entering the university.

- Additionally, the university has a 4-year graduation rate of approximately 82%. Northeastern’s successful and relatively high 4-year graduation rate is often attributed to their co-op program, which lets students combine periods of academic study with periods of paid professional work in their area of interest, keeping them engaged and focused.

It's worthwhile to note that while these percentages are useful to consider, a high graduation rate doesn't necessarily guarantee a great college experience for everyone. Consider the ways in which the college might meet your personal, academic, and career goals. You could look at aspects like Northeastern's co-op program, its location in Boston, MA, the structure of the majors you're interested in, the extracurricular opportunities, etc. This could give you a broader picture of what your college journey might look like at Northeastern.

5 months ago

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